• Infinite Space

    Electronic music

  • Introduction

    The work is inspired by the imagination of space through. Real-world molecular structures will be distorted and reconstructed when travelling across space. Our bodies are gone, and we can feel no time. There is nothing we can control, only the weak consciousness in the turbulence, constantly inhaled into the depths of the space.


    The work was produced by Protools, with the design idea of reshaping the sounds sampled from the real world with different effects to map our reconstructed bodies. All of the sound material is sampled from real-world sounds, such as key shaking, paper tearing or rubbing, metal or wood collisions, plastic bottles squeezing, etc.


    By stacking various effects on the original sound material, such as increasing reverb, audio reverse, moving the pan, and changing or limiting the frequency of the sound, the creator shapes it into highly explosive sound motivations that form the basic elements of music development. The whole work can be divided into three parts. The beginning uses a lot of distorted metallic tones, creating a conflicting and dramatic tone. Then enter the quieter middle part, using the sound of kneading paper as a low frequency, but continuously changing its frequency and pan to attract the audience's attention. The third part is a reappearance of the previous material, but is more structurally free, with quick and compact motivation and gradual motivation alternating. Finally, using an abrupt end to sustain the tension of the work.


    To visualize the music, this work used Processing making interactions, with code designed by Samuel Lapointe. The listeners seem to be in a boundless space, as if countless objects are coming to them, or like they are inhaled into a certain world. The cubes and the lines on the sides move in accordance with the overall volume of the track at that moment. The colour on the sides and cubes is determined as an RGB mix where red is low sounds such, green is mid sounds and blue is high sounds. When all sounds are present at once, it looks white.